How to Optimise Your Website for Conversions

In today's highly competitive digital landscape, having a website that attracts visitors is not enough. To be truly effective, your website should be optimised for conversions - meaning, you should be able to turn visitors into leads, sales, and revenue.
March 27, 2023

Let's explore some of the best ways to optimise your website for conversions, backed by research.

Improve your website's loading speed

A study by Google found that mobile websites that load within 5 seconds have a 70% longer session duration than those that take longer to load. Slow loading times can frustrate visitors, and cause them to leave your website before taking any action. To speed up your website's loading time, you can:

  • Minimise the size of your images and videos
  • Enable browser caching
  • Minify CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files
  • Use a content delivery network (CDN)
  • Upgrade to a faster hosting plan

(Source: Google, "Mobile page speed")

Simplify your website's design

Research has shown that people form an opinion about a website within 50 milliseconds of visiting it. A cluttered and confusing design can make it difficult for visitors to understand what your website is about, and what you want them to do. To simplify your website's design, you can:

  • Use a clean, modern design with plenty of white space
  • Use a clear and easy-to-read font
  • Use contrasting colours to highlight your call-to-action (CTA) buttons
  • Use high-quality images and videos that are relevant to your content
  • Use a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes

(Source: Crazy Egg, "The Ultimate Guide to Web Design")

Use persuasive copywriting

Your website's copy is one of the most important factors that can influence conversions. To make your copy more persuasive, you can:

  • Use power words that trigger emotions (e.g., "proven", "exclusive", "limited-time offer")
  • Use storytelling to engage your visitors
  • Highlight the benefits of your products or services, instead of just the features
  • Use social proof, such as customer reviews or ratings, to build trust
  • Use urgency and scarcity to create a sense of urgency (e.g., "limited stock", "offer expires soon")

(Source: Neil Patel, "5 Copywriting Hacks That Will Make Your Website More Successful")

Make your CTAs stand out

Your CTAs are the buttons or links that you use to encourage visitors to take action, such as "Buy now", "Subscribe", or "Contact us". To make your CTAs stand out, you can:

  • Use a contrasting colour for your CTAs that stands out from the rest of your website's design
  • Use action-oriented words that encourage visitors to take action (e.g., "Get started", "Join now", "Download")
  • Use multiple CTAs throughout your website, particularly on your homepage and landing pages

(Source: HubSpot, "15 Tips for Creating CTAs That Convert")

Test and tweak your website

One of the most important aspects of website optimisation is continuous testing and tweaking. Some of the things you can test include:

  • Your website's headlines and subheadings
  • Your CTAs' copy and design
  • Your website's layout and design
  • Your website's loading time
  • Your website's navigation and user experience

By testing and tweaking different elements of your website, you can identify what works best for your audience and improve your conversion rate over time.

(Source: Optimizely, "How to Optimize Your Website for Better Conversion Rate")

Want to optimise your website to get conversions?

We can help! Click the 'Contact Us' button to get a free consultation with us today!

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If you have a project in mind, we would be happy to have a chat about how we can make it happen.

Ben van Rooy

Strategy Director

Nick Brown

Marketing Director