5 steps to grow your Instagram audience

Want to grow on Instagram? Here are some tips
Digital Marketing
July 9, 2021
  1. Post high-quality content
    One of the issues that most people have when it comes to writing consistently is they're not sure what to write about. Post relevant content, get a copywriter involved and upload high-quality images.
  2. Know what your target market likes by monitoring related hashtags
    Online tools like @ritetag provide reports on hashtags to see how popular it is and compare it to top related hashtags.
  3. Post different content types: carousels, videos, IGTV, etc.
    While images are the most popular format, videos and interactive posts can generate more engagement with your audience.
  4. Create a feed and content that represents your brand voice
    A brand voice is essentially how your brand sounds to people. Embody the brand personality you’ve created for your business by using the colors/fonts/images consistently across all platforms.
  5. Have a strong call to action in the captions and your bio
    Provide links and encourage your followers to take an action you want them to take.

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Ben van Rooy

Strategy Director

Nick Brown

Marketing Director