B2B marketing 2023

B2B marketing is about to get even more data-driven and customer-centric, as businesses look for new ways to connect with their target audiences and stay ahead of the competition. From AI-powered personalization to interactive content, the future of B2B marketing is all about relevance and engagement.
Digital Marketing
February 7, 2023

As the digital landscape evolves rapidly, digital marketing tactics and trends are constantly changing. For this reason, digital marketers need to be both agile and strategic. A strong marketing strategy helps determine which trends are worth adopting to effectively reach their target audience. Here are some digital marketing trends to keep in mind for 2023.

High-Quality SEO Content

As Google cracks down on low-quality content and privacy regulations become stricter, the importance of high-quality SEO content grows. With more browsers blocking ads and third-party cookies facing criticism, high-quality SEO content is increasingly the key for marketers to reach their target audience.

So, what makes SEO content high-quality? High-quality SEO content should be trustworthy, specific, well-researched, engaging, and up-to-date. Here are some tips for creating such content:

  • Share a unique story and valuable insights
  • Use data exclusive to your business or organization
  • Create content for a specific audience, addressing their needs
  • Invest in a talented writer and SEO professional to tell your story in a strategic and impactful way
  • Regularly update and/or rewrite around 25% of the content on a webpage every three months.

UX and SEO

A website, no matter how great the content, will struggle to retain visitors if the pages are not user-friendly, intuitive, or productive. To achieve success, both great content and an exceptional user experience must be prioritized. To make this happen, UX and SEO can work together in the following ways.


Keywords serve as the connection between a company's page and its target audience. The audience's perception of the content's value will then be based on their user experience. Hence, it's vital to carefully choose keywords that align with the target audience's search queries and to provide a seamless user experience once they land on the page.

Page Load Time

This one is simple: 40 percent of users will abandon a page that takes three or more seconds to load. There is no way around it, page load times can negatively impact a brand’s audience before they even arrive on a website.

Website Architecture

In addition to having a fast website, a clear navigation system is also essential for users to access the information they need. Here are some tips to achieve this:

  • Make the homepage readily accessible from all pages
  • Clearly label categories for easy navigation
  • Provide a prominently visible search box for quick access to specific information.

Purpose-Driven Branding

Data-driven marketing remains relevant, but another strategy is emerging as one of the most valuable B2B marketing trends for 2023: purpose-driven branding. Consumers are increasingly concerned with a brand's story and reputation, rather than just their products or services. Brands must demonstrate a deeper purpose that consumers can trust and identify with.

To incorporate purpose-driven branding into a marketing strategy, companies should:

  • Share their story authentically
  • Show self-awareness and transparency about their shortcomings
  • Continuously work towards improvement in all areas, including products and services, employee satisfaction, and community involvement.

Social Media Over Google

Having a strong social media presence is crucial, especially if the target audience includes members of Gen Z. According to Google, 40% of young people prefer to gather information from TikTok and Instagram before turning to Google. TikTok has transformed the way consumers process information and make purchasing decisions.

When using social media as a search engine, consumers are likely seeking user-generated content (UGC) rather than brand-generated content. They place high value on authenticity and real-life experiences with a product or service.

The ultimate goal of all digital marketing trends is to connect the target audience with a product or service through genuine and well-planned storytelling. What does this mean for your brand?

Give us a call if you need a killer 2023 marketing strategy.

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If you have a project in mind, we would be happy to have a chat about how we can make it happen.

Ben van Rooy

Strategy Director

Nick Brown

Marketing Director