Inclusive Marketing Practices

Beyond diversity, truly inclusive marketing can elevate the stories and voices of people that have been typically marginalized or underrepresented, deepen connections with customers, and even influence positive social change.
August 6, 2021

Here are the first three principles to inclusive marketing:

Start with tone

Tone is the style, characteristic, or sentiment of a piece of content. When discussing tone we should consider:

  1. The subject: Am I showing my subject in the best light? Am I honoring their legacy or work?
  2. The topic: Is the topic of the piece or conversation light-hearted or serious? What is the context?
  3. The message: What message am I trying to convey? Is it inspirational or controversial or educational or playful?
  4. The impact: What is my intended impact of the piece? Can it be perceived differently for any reason?

Be intentional with language

There is immense power in language. Language has the potential to deepen understanding, strengthen relationships, and offer clarity. But, language can also confuse, offend, or even harm others.

For these reasons, we have to be extremely thoughtful about every word, symbol, or phrase we use in our marketing—not just with what the words say, but also how and where they are placed. 

Ensure representation

There is immense power in representation. People want to see themselves reflected in the media and marketing. When we see ourselves in the characters and images around us, it helps us all to feel seen, heard, empowered, and inspired.

Diverse talent: In today’s diverse and global world, there is no reason to not be inclusive and ensure accurate representation of the diverse talent that is all around us. 

Empower others by opening up opportunities to all.

Reference: Trailhead Salesforce

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If you have a project in mind, we would be happy to have a chat about how we can make it happen.

Ben van Rooy

Strategy Director

Nick Brown

Marketing Director