Market research

Understanding your audience to better serve them
June 23, 2021

Target audience research has become abroad and has grown targeted, approaching what people like, dislike, how they live, what are their needs and so on. Understanding these audiences in depth to better understand what they are looking for in order to improve your product or service.

Brands are traditionally guided by budget, expertise, internal capacity and short timelines, they are often behind, struggling to keep up the pace of change as customers reinvent themselves. As a result, their products or services are behind the track and it does not align with their audience needs anymore. 

Nowadays, businesses aim for data-driven solutions and take action on what matters. The answer to that is Market Research, the action of collecting information about market needs and preferences. By understanding your audience's feelings and how they behave, you can make decisions that meet their expectations on what they expect your brand, product, service and customer service to deliver.

Without research, brands usually make decisions based on past customer behaviour and either they like a campaign or not in order to approve it. The goal of market research is to generate solutions insight-driven, removing any subjective opinions and helping you to continuously improve things — giving you a higher chance of success in short and long term.

Relying on the use of tools to gather data-driven information, brands are able to boost their speed in which they operate, with minimal lead time allowing brands to be responsive to business conditions and take an agile approach, with the support of partners to help them with finding responders, fielding surveys and reporting results.

The insights gathered from market research help you meet your business goals and be successful. To do this, we have to understand what their needs are in order to effectively meet them. If we do that, we are more likely to drive customer satisfaction, and in turn, increase customer retention. The data collected is beneficial to the whole business, so share insights with different departments and work collaboratively across teams.

Let's build something good together

If you have a project in mind, we would be happy to have a chat about how we can make it happen.

Ben van Rooy

Strategy Director

Nick Brown

Marketing Director